Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Lovely Day With Friends

This afternoon I spent a pleasant couple of hours with friends watching our children have canoe lessons. It was lovely to watch the children have such fun. As you will see there were lots of swans keeping their beady eyes on the activity. I kept my distance! A big thank you to my friend for organising the afternoon. It was a huge success and my daughter had a smile on her face all afternoon - even after she had capsized!
Whilst the children were messing about on the river I went with one of my other friends to look at bikes. She is now the proud owner of a very nice bike. As you can see the car had to be emptied completely to try to accommodate the bike and it still had to taken home by another friend. Here's to happy cycling!

Thank you to my friends for a lovely afternoon.

Hope to post more textile work in next couple of days.

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