Friday 25 May 2007


I have decided to post pictures of a couple of the hats I have made in the past. This has been prompted by the fact that I have been asked by my daughter's school to go in and show one of their classes the hats I have made. The children are to make a hat for design and technology. I feel quite honoured that I have been asked and this has fired my enthusiasm to design and make more. The two shown here were made for drama productions at the school. The crown for Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland and the witch's hat for the Flower Witch in the Snow Queen. Of course I also had to make the rest of the costumes to go with the hats. I had great fun designing and making them. The latest costumes I made were for the drama production of The North Pole Goes Rock and Roll. These included all the hats for the elves, 'rock and roll elves' and elves' outfits and headdresses but in the style of the teletubbies! It was quite a task but very enjoyable and the production was a great success.

1 comment:

Alis Clair said...

These are just stunning.
Would love to see the rock and roll elves.